Fitness, Wellness, and Overall Health

MC Life

Nice to meet you

I am me – an unfinished work in progress. I strive to grow in all possible ways to become a better version of myself each and every day. I desire to create positive change in others and in the world. I want to learn what I don’t know, experience what I haven’t felt, think what hasn’t been thought, and develop what isn’t yet there. I try to live my life simply and with gratitude.

“It’s not about what it is, it’s about what it can become.”

– Dr. Seuss


I have a BS in Physics from Davidson College, which is a small liberal arts school in North Carolina with a beautiful campus in a quaint town. It is definitely worth a visit if you are ever in the area! The school is known for its academic rigor and it does not disappoint. 

I finished at Davidson and attended the University of North Carolina in Charlotte where I earned a BS in Exercise Science. I finished top of my program there, but the whole time was a blur as I worked five different jobs to try and cover some of my expenses. This is the period that I started working as a personal trainer, coach, and technician/aide in a physical therapy clinic. 

I graduated from UNC-C and then attended Augusta University in Georgia where I graduated with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. The school was formerly Georgia Regents University and before that something else that lasted a couple of months and before that it was the Medical College of Georgia – they were desperate for the state money and couldn’t find a name that the public approved of… Anyways, if you are ever there and not going to the Master’s tournament, I recommend that you check out the recreational trail down by the canal – beautiful!

I decided that my wall didn’t have enough fancy paper hanging from it yet so I added to it with a Master’s in Business Administration from Georgia Southern University. I participated in this program virtually and scored in the top 4% in the nation on my final assessment. I never actually saw the campus, but it is inland from Savannah, GA and that city is on the coast, which means sun, sand, and beaches. 

I stopped at four degrees because it is expensive, which is lame. I did also acquire an IASSC Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification, but now I am done with the fancy paper. Maybe… Or at least my friends and family tell me that I need to be done. 

“it’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be…”

– F. Scott Fitzgerald


I started off my working life in 6th grade as a paperboy walking the streets with a kangaroo pouch while tossing newspapers onto front stoops. I can’t quite say that it was uphill both ways, but it did involve some very early mornings and walking out in the elements (rain, snow, or shine). I worked an assortment of other jobs after that including a lifeguard, a pool manager, and a grounds crew worker on a golf course that all allowed me to spend the majority of my hours outside while on the clock. I was never the strongest swimmer and I have only played golf once in my life. Naturally, I was running up to swing the club for drives and putting the ball with my foot by the time I got to the back 9.  

I also picked up jobs while working through my college courses. These positions included an office manager at a soccer facility, a personal trainer with a Health Fitness Specialist certification, and an aide at a physical therapy clinic. I also tutored, coached, and guided youth athletes through speed and agility training throughout the years. These jobs all kept me active and working with people, which was a great balance with the large amount of time that I was seated in a classroom or hunched over books (yes, it was still primarily books that students learned from at that time). My passion for physical activity, fitness, and overall well-being grew during this time as I was involved in this lifestyle and industry in multiple different ways.    

“success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.”

– Winston Churchill

physical therapist

I started my professional career as a doctor of physical therapy at a small PT clinic. I then transitioned into a medical clinic within a large healthcare system where I became the PT department head. After that role, I took on the position of a clinic manager and opened a new clinic for an expansive physical therapy organization. I received a number of other certifications and specialized trainings throughout my years as a doctor of physical therapy. The majority of my specialized training was in manual treatment that included McKenzie and Maitland techniques and I also received extensive training in dry needling. I am a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and I am level 1 certified through the Titleist Professional Institute.   

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself “

– George Bernard Shaw

The future

Now, I am transitioning into a unique role. In this new position, I will be tasked with a problem, I will learn everything that I can about that problem, and then I will create a solution to address that problem. This pathway will have me learning a variety of new skills and challenging myself in novel ways. I am tying old knowledge with the new and making connections that are furthering my critical thinking, problem solving, and creative mindset. I don’t know where all this pathway will take me, but I am excited to take steps in this direction. 

Latest blog articles

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

– Confucius

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Lower crossed syndrome is a common source of back pain. It arises from an imbalance in our muscle structure and it is often the result of poor posture. This condition occurs when muscles...
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Back Pain
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Coming up next

Neck Pain

Many people have had that morning that they wake up and can hardly move their neck. Let's talk about some causes of neck pain and what to do about it.

4-Minute Workout Challenge

It's just a combination of three exercises, but it is sure to get your heart working. There is no equipment required so there are no excuses. How many rounds can you complete in just 4 minutes?

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Everyone you meet has something to teach you.”

– The Minds Journal

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